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Premium Info (Not Yet Available)

Free: 3 months of data free.
Premium: Longer timeframes, improved filtering tools, no ads.
Registry: Link Market Services
Sector: Communication Services /
Media & Entertainment
Similar Companies: CNU, EVT, NEC

Company Analytics: Domain Holdings Australia Limited (ASX: DHG)587

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Share Price and Volume

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Share Price and Volume

This is meant as a quick reference to compare against the other metrics, not as an advanced or accurate share price chart - the share price may be delayed by a day, and the volume by a couple of days.

Android App Reviews

Link To The App
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Android App Reviews - Count / Average Review

Tracks the reviews of the Domain app. Reviews count generally correlates with usage, and average rating with satisfaction.
Feb 23 - Apr 7 (Reviews: +0.76%)

Alexa Website Rank

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Alexa Website Rank

Global Rank compares a website's popularity to all global websites eg. 100,000th most popular website in the world.

Local Rank is the website's popularity compared to all global websites, but ranked by Australian or US visitors eg. 1000th most popular website in Australia.

They use logarithmic scales, so a moderate improvement in the rankings can suggest a strong improvement in website traffic. The ranking is calculated based on a combination of today's traffic and the traffic from the past 90 days, so it is not entirely current, but partially backward looking.
Mar 19 - Apr 17 (Global Rank: -7.55%, Local Rank: +4.69%) (Log Scale)

Linkedin Employees

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Linkedin Employees

This tracks Domain employees listed on Linkedin.

A change in trajectory could suggest a change in hiring, potenially due to an increase in scale. This is partially a trailing metric, as some employees will only update their Linkedin some weeks/months/years after joining the company.
Dec 17 - Feb 1 (Listed Employees: 1122 to 1131, +0.8%)

Brand Search Trends

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Brand Search Trends

Can show if there is growth in brand searches for 'Domain'. Can also suggest an increase in market share, if searches grow faster than a competitor's brand searches eg. 'Property'.

Website Subdomains

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Website Subdomains

Consider this as a historical timeline of the company, and potentially giving insight into new features under development.

It is a non-exhaustive list of subdomains on the company website, ordered by when they were first found by our website. Can be indicative of new developments in progress, or new service offerings. Some subdomains may be private and inaccessible to the public, but you can still see the name.

Other Interesting Stats

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Other Interesting Info

You might find these additional stats and details useful.
Stat Value
Share Price (delayed ~1 day) $3.35
EPS $0.041
PE 78.74
Dividend Yield 0
Average Daily Volume 989,318 shares / $3,314,215
Market Cap $2.1b
Shares on Issue 631.7m
Listing Date 2017-11-16
Similar/Popular Websites,,,
Common Search Phrases Real Estate, Domain, How Many Children Does Malcolm Turnbull Have?, Realestate, Domain Real Estate

Broker / Analyst Consensus

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Broker / Analyst Consensus Targets

See how brokers/analysts are rating the company.
Stat Value
Last Checked 24 Nov 2023
Analysts Count 13
Valuation - Range $3.50 - $3.50
Share Price (delayed ~1 day) $3.35