Company Analytics: St George Mining Limited (ASX: SGQ)1816
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Share Price and Volume
Share Price and Volume
This is meant as a quick reference to compare against the other metrics, not as an advanced or accurate share price chart - the share price may be delayed by a day, and the volume by a couple of days.
This tracks St George Mining employees listed on Linkedin.
A change in trajectory could suggest a change in hiring, potenially due to an increase in scale. This is partially a trailing metric, as some employees will only update their Linkedin some weeks/months/years after joining the company.
Can show if there is growth in brand searches for 'St George Mining'. Can also suggest an increase in market share, if searches grow faster than a competitor's brand searches eg. 'Greenland Minerals'.
Consider this as a historical timeline of the company, and potentially giving insight into new features under development.
It is a non-exhaustive list of subdomains on the company website, ordered by when they were first found by our website. Can be indicative of new developments in progress, or new service offerings. Some subdomains may be private and inaccessible to the public, but you can still see the name.
See which directors have worked with the company over time. The 'First Seen' date is not the date that they were appointed, but the first date that we recorded them as a director.
First Seen
Mr John Dawson
Non Exec. Director
01 Jun 2020
Mr John Prineas
Executive Chair
01 Jun 2020
Miss Sarah Shipway
Company Secretary
01 Jun 2020
Recent Company Comparisons
Recent Company Comparisons
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Disclaimer: Our main goal is to provide you with interesting and insightful charts and metrics. Our primary goal is not data reliability, and you should assume that the data is not 100% complete or accurate. Eg. our caching system could make some data hours or days outdated, or we could run into data collection issues. This website should be used as a tool to get you thinking about a company in new ways. It should not be used to make direct investment decisions, but to help you come up with ideas which you then confirm with primary data sources. We are not liable for any data errors, omissions, delays or interuptions, or any loss arising from its use, nor do we offer financial advice.